26 Nov 2015 DaddysToy93 commented
Ooh this is great <3 could be more painful though. It's not a proper rape kill until the toy begs for death~
04 Nov 2015 DaddysToy93 commented
@Darkheartedfox Mmmm I will gladly hang for u goddess if u will grace me with a good cum squirting into my hair once i'm gone <3
28 Aug 2015 DaddysToy93 commented
@wifewontfuckme because the mistress likes to smother her pets with her beautiful pussy sir <3
22 Aug 2015 DaddysToy93 commented
@Darkheartedfox Awww such a lovely family reunion~ Will they be together with our lord in the end mistress? Maybe once they use her they can dig up her sister and put her in the same coffin, maybe honor them both by filling it with their cum and piss before burrying them again <3
31 Jul 2015 DaddysToy93 commented
lol, mommy wants grandkids, she pocked a whole in the condom for him <3
23 Jul 2015 DaddysToy93 commented
This can be done! oh that would be amazing! since I would get no pleasure it would be rape everytime I service a man, where can u go to get it?
07 Apr 2014 DaddysToy93 commented
@SxyCpl4Unicorn Thank u sir, I hope you find my worthless body pleasing~

@UnclePervy Sounds like a lot of fun sir, but I would much rather u came in my mouth after, I hate to waste good cum :)

@ElDuderino1986 Sir is welcome to use me however he pleases.

@incognitus Thank u sir~ I hope u enjoy picturing abusing and breeding my dumb cunt body as much as I enjoy the thought of it :)
04 Apr 2014 DaddysToy93 commented
@DaddyWilliam Glad to hear it sir~ Daddy says I can post some more next week :) I hope u like them too, I hope everyone is picturing how they will use me now <3
25 Feb 2014 DaddysToy93 commented
So this is what it looks like on the other side of the shower door when daddy pins me to it and fucks me lol, wish my tits where as big as yours though, mine barely flatten enough to get that nice tight feeling in shower sex like this