02 Jun 2017 DKL commented
Like I said, its in your DNA and try as you might sweetie
the truth is still the truth and you know it as much as your owner and I do and many others on here
30 May 2017 DKL commented
so hermit12 is this one of your toys
30 May 2017 DKL commented
@abuse_me_yesss but yet you like it, shall I continue?
29 May 2017 DKL commented
there is no explaining the need for humiliation, even though many denies it, its still there and always will be, its part of their DNA, and ones like this make us thankful for it.
28 May 2017 DKL commented
sweetie if this is you, all I can say is thank you for sharing, its a great contrast
28 May 2017 DKL commented
now this is the kind of a cunt every man should own