07 Dec 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Who ever finds the selfie stick is in for a win-win situation, he'll make a lot of money selling the footage. And the footage itself will definitely do virtual on every porn platform it's uploaded to.
03 Dec 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Story: on a casual beach vacation, while your enjoying the water, sun and sand you head over to a relatively secluded area near the rocks. There you stumble across a woman's lifeless body. From the looks of it, she was raped before being shot in the chest and left to rot on the beach. The corpse is relatively fresh, they were killed only recently. No one knows you out here, and the body is yours to use however you want. What would you do?
28 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG yeah, she'll just be a floating fleshlight for you, me and anyone else who wants a round with her.
27 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@RapeRage my thoughts exactly. Fucked, snuffed and disposed of.
27 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG ikr, those two could have done such a better job. Guess you and me have to do it, let's show those two how it's really done.
27 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@puppiecunt screw just snapping your neck. I'm more of a slowly strangle you to death as I fuck your boycunt kinda guy, you feel me?~
27 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@puppiecunt absolutely I would, matter of fact I'll look your decapitated head in the eyes as I fuck your slutty throat. I can't wait to see the faces you make!~
27 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@puppiecunt some studies show that a head lives on for at least a minute or two after it's been cut off, so if I'm fast enough I could give you one last throat fuck before the light leaves your eyes~
27 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Story: one day, while your just casually hanging out at home you hear a knock at your door. Curious, you open the door and find no one there, except for a very large package. With some effort you get it into your living room, crack it open and to your surprise, you find THIS! what's your next move?
26 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@TooSpookyForMee AND, if you want to take this one step further, you could also keep there eyes open. while they stare at this for hours and are constantly edged with a vibrator, put a clockwork orange type of machine that keeps there eyes open but also keeps them moisturized as well.
23 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Wenona's my #1 favorite drowning crush
23 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@Morbidus absolutely, she's just a warm floating fleshlight now.
22 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@TooSpookyForMee plus, you could edge the slut with a vibrator constantly while she just stares at this video too.
21 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@SpiderLegggs ask, and you shall receive spider.~
21 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG sounds good to me, plus we could have even more fun with her body after she drowns. She'll just be a floating fleshlight for the two of us.
21 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG I'm cool with either, but if it were up to me I'd take her mouth.
21 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG agreed, hey wanna dive down there and fuck this whore with me? She'll moan out her air and drown faster, plus we'll experience her drowning spasms as well.
21 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG ah, keeping them both in this cycle of cum, drown and revive. To start the process all over again~
21 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG nice choices, you'll definitely have some fun with those two.~
21 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG beautiful scenario, two male concubines pleasured untill there bodies can't take it anymore, at least you'll give them one last orgasm before they go out.
21 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
The question is simple: which one or two women would you pick, and what would you do with them?
20 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Simple, I'll just put a rifle round into the slut's head, and after pumping a load or three into her corpse's pussy, I'd snap the photo and send it to headquarters, mission accomplished.
20 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Without a doubt, Eren would rape her while strangling her to death in some back alley in a secluded area of the city.
20 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
The question is simple: Which one or two men would you pick, and what would you do with them?
17 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG dude, I would pay money to have someone animate that!
17 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG beautiful, both scenarios were so good!
17 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Which UA slut would you pick and what would you do with them?
16 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Without hesitation, I'd bend her over the bed and just fuck her to till I'm satisfied.
15 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG ikr, drown her, pump a load or three into her and leave her there floating.
15 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@StrangleUhard33 same here, I'd pay good money to be in that camera man's shoes.
13 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Story: with her feminist water tribe resistance crushed, the fire and earth nations preserved and put the leader, Korra's body on display. There it remained for all to stare and laugh at, and sent a message to any survivors to submit.
11 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@Mmyy yes! My thoughts exactly
11 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG even better, we could leave her there with a fully charged waterproof vibrator on her clit on near max intensity, so she can continue to be in pleasure filled agony until the potion wears off.
11 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG ooooh~ I love that idea, we keep her in this perpetual state of orgasm drowning for like like the next few days or so, until we get bored of her and just leave her waterlogged and THOROUGHLY fucked body at the bottom of the water. Genius!
10 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@RapeRage exactly dude, them walking around in skimpy outfits and being a tease was going to bite them in the ass eventually.
10 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG exactly, we'll show her what real horny scuba divers looks like! You in?
09 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Story: after following them to the local club, it was as simple as drugging Peach and Daisy's drinks. tied, gagged and with the drugs taking affect, you put them into your truck. Where will you take them and what will you do with them?
08 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Squirting to her own sister's rape audio, she really is a slut!
08 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
Fucked, snuffed and revived to start the cycle all over again, beautiful~.
04 Nov 2023 Atomizer21 commented
@DepravityG indeed, just another accidental drunk drowning.