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BDSM vs Abuse

10,526 Views108 Favorites07 Apr 2020


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


22 Jan 2024
Okay thanks xxx


13 Nov 2023
@demone75008 tu es quelqu'un à découvrir, ta philosophie me plaît...


20 Sep 2023
@Danight I'm pointing out things & you're getting cranky about it. Yes, there are many problems outside of BDSM & I can list a whole fuckload of them. Plus it wasn't my intention to make you look foolish, that's your own paranoia there.


20 Sep 2023
@kinkywog Fact of what? Why point finger when absolutely most sadists work inside the line? You want to make a problem because of a very few accidents over years? As I said, there are so many bigger problems outside BDSm. In general I don’t like people who needs to point their fat fingers at everything. Your question, made to make me look foolish, doesn’t deserve an answer. My lines in BDSm is found with me and my partners, not you or other self right finger pointing people.


18 Sep 2023
@Danight It wasn't an opinion, but fact. There are some that step over the line & ignore safe words. This is regardless of the sex of sadists or masochists. For instance, I know when to release when choking a girl (Which I've only done to one former playmate & only because she wanted it) but her new owner would hold it longer than he should & I wouldn't be surprised if she's semi retarded by now. As I said, there's a safe & unsafe way to play & I know where to draw the line. Do you?


18 Sep 2023
@kinkywog I am not here to attack you. You have your opinions and I have mine. More men than women experience violence and abuse. Read about it. So yes, we talk of BDSm, and I am that type of sadist, that people like you would like to address that image, because you only think you are right and you don’t understand my sexuality. In the meanwhile all relations can be damaging, you don’t have to be a sadist to harm others. So yes, this image is only meant to point fingers of others.


17 Sep 2023
@Danight I've seen that line crossed before. So if you're attacking me for what I said, let me tell you that there's a safe & unsafe way to play the BDSM game. I always make sure I don't do harm to the girls I'm playing with, but there are some sadists out there that don't care for the safety of their subs & that's who I'm calling out.


08 Sep 2023
@demone75008 Well said again. It’s all about desire and wishes, so for people who thinks it’s their job to tell what is BDSm or abuse, should simply keep their mouth shut. There is no right or wrong, we have different turn ins and we should accept that.


07 Sep 2023
@Slutjenni I knew & used to fuck someone who went from column A to column B when she monkey branched from her ex to her owner last year. There was a time I would've tried to save someone like her, but my sister killed my white knight syndrome over a decade ago.


05 Apr 2023
@papily2 Bien d'accord. Certainement pas un amuseur. Bien au contraire, a partir du moment ou il y a consentement.


30 Mar 2023
@KinkyLittleSub must be for your lot up't north.


30 Mar 2023
@Myfriend Baltic is slang for cold.


30 Mar 2023
@KinkyLittleSub That is the idea.
Baltic? Is that where you have just been?


29 Mar 2023
@Myfriend Sometimes I don't know whether you are being serious or not! "risk-aware consensual kink". Although I do know a dungeon with a rack I have been eyeing up... maybe one day... when the weather is warmer and the cellar not so baltic...


29 Mar 2023
@KinkyLittleSub first time you have mentioned your desire for the rack


29 Mar 2023
@Myfriend Yes, pretty standard standards for those of us who use SSC or RACK. But useful to have this little reminder now and again...


29 Mar 2023
@KinkyLittleSub standard set of standards really


28 Mar 2023
@Myfriend Someone else's words actually, but I totally agree with them too...


28 Mar 2023
@KinkyLittleSub you have a lot to say but it is right.


20 Feb 2023
Tu sum it up in one word : consent.
To sum it up in two words : respect and consent.
To sum it up in three words : Love, respect and consent.


13 Aug 2022
Haven't tried any BDSM so good to know! Now where's subslut....


10 Jul 2022
@DarkMatter007 No this is really good 😈😈😈😈😈


07 Jul 2022


07 Jul 2022
@DarkMatter007 That's why this is a joint thing... both man and woman can behave badly for various reasons, whether Dom/me or sub... and the responsibility is on us to protect not just the other person, but ourselves and potential criticism for any bad outcomes.


05 Jul 2022
@DarkMatter007 Haha, yes, playing when angry is a bit like shopping when hungry... it can get messy! But seriously, I agree with you... and we all need to act like responsible adults even if we are subs or slaves in the moment, we still retain the right to protect ourselves by safewording. We can't expect our Doms and Masters to be the only people responsible for our safety, health and ultimately lives.


03 Jul 2022
@Engineer_UK As a community, we don't always help to educate new people though do we? How many clips do we upload where consent and safewords are agreed up front? Very few and I'm as guilty as the next for that. Many clips are designed to give the appearance that consent hasn't been obtained... that's part of role play after all... So I'm going to put a link to this on my profile...


03 Jul 2022
@KinkyLittleSub Perfect , shame more people dont understand the difference


19 Apr 2020
@Anfiorillo I haven’t no


19 Apr 2020
@Anfiorillo indeed but you’d be amazed how many don’t know the difference and unfortunately some of those are submissives in the lifestyle and get abused