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11,583 Views126 Favorites28 Dec 2017


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


27 May 2023
@ProdigalSemen she sound so much beauriful


13 Sep 2022
This is how human are designed to fuck in the wild I believe. Wouldn't be too rough to hurt her or force oral, simply get the job done... Every man would take his turn pumping his seed deep inside her.
. It's in our DNA, our bones why men and women love it. Males would be in scavenger groups of about 7 looking for nuts and berries this is what would happen to a female from another tribe, you would try to spread your clan into theirs.


14 Jul 2021
@Lustfullou To be fair, much as they had control of her, they seemed quite "gentle"!

I mean they weren't shouting and screaming in her face, dragging her around roughly or even slapping her.

Is that partly what you liked about this video?