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Petite Teen Emo Girl - Ivy From True Amateur Model

4,038 Views40 Favorites23 May 2016


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


31 Jan 2018
@grenade350 She was fine after the shoot. This was the very first time for her, so she was a bit nervous and shy. However, she pulled though like a trooper, and as a result, I was able to shoot off approximately 600 pictures of her.


31 Jan 2018
@True_Amateurs I hope she left with a solid sense of beauty and self-esteem. She is a lovely girl!


16 Aug 2017
@Undine91 The reason why she looks confused and very nervous was because it was the first time that she had ever done a nude modeling shoot. I love getting them like that!


14 Aug 2017
@Undine91 Danke. Froh, dass du das Mädchen magst