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Fly Explorer

8,335 Views54 Favorites26 Jul 2023


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


24 May 2024
Ich könnte dir Stundenlang zusehen


02 Apr 2024


18 Jan 2024
@KinkyWoman Die Fliegen können leider nicht ganz in die Fotze gelangen, ohne dass diese offen gehalten wird., je grösser desto besser. Der Lockstoff dient lediglich dazu, die Anzahl der Fliegen zu erhöhen und sie hoffentlich dazu zu ermutigen, hineinzugehen, während er geöffnet ist und ein paar Tupfer auf den Gebärmutterhals sollte da schon ausreichen


06 Oct 2023
we should stuff her fucking pussy with maggots and a good cock will come and settle it all down


09 Aug 2023
@KinkyWoman The flies cannot get into the cunt without it being held open. The attractant is just to increase the number of flies and hopefully encourage them to go into it whilst it is open


31 Jul 2023
@filmthefunn Are you sure that it works better with the bait? Do you have to leave the cunt hole wide open after applying the attractant, or is it enough if the attractant is on the cervix?


27 Jul 2023
That there will be a next time is very would certainly be great to see more of this! One other thing, I don't think flies like metal much, so plastic speculum might be better. Or having the speculum sideways (or her on her side) might help whilst using the metal one so they can walk normally on the inside of the cunt hole and not the metal.


27 Jul 2023
@filmthefunn Thanks for the tip, I'll try it next time


27 Jul 2023
Look at the size of that cunt hole! It is magnificent! Well done, although I hope you can obtain a larger/wider speculum to open it up wider!

It is a shame there were not too many attracted flies, obviously too clean in there! If you are seeking more, a very small amount of an attractant mixture (very ripe banana, some honey and a small amount of her urine mashed up) should attract more. Just need to make sure you don't get any at the opening, just a dab on the cervix should attract more!