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3,259 Views53 Favorites05 Dec 2016


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


09 Oct 2018
Love it.


18 Sep 2017
@esgauge I could not possibly agree more. I have never, with the rare oddball exception, really enjoyed any type of professional porn for that exact reason. I have no interest in watching someone perform their day to day 9-5 job, I want to see people get lost in the moment, let their deepest darkest, most taboo side out, and really enjoy what they are doing. I have always valued the authenticity of amateur videos over the acting and production of a movie.


15 Sep 2017
@esgauge Yeah Dirty Talk has always been my number 1 Turn-On. The more Filthy/Taboo/Racist, the more of a turn on.