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Die watching (1993) Watch online.mp4

10,146 Views89 Favorites11 Jul 2017


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


16 Aug 2023
@WonderfulDeaths It is very thoughtful. However, with tits like hers, he should have had a bit more fun with her, and draw out the process with some added pain. Some extra psychological torment would be fun too. BUT, I know, it was not that kind of movie,


16 Aug 2023
@BoyToyBooty i love that he set up the cameras and monitors so that she can look at herself die. He did that for her to make her feel more excited and scared that was very sweet of him.


04 Nov 2021
I used to jack off to this scene often as a teenager. Love her struggling. You can see the moment she realizes she is going to die at 4:37. The actress chose to show her character giving up, but also her eyes show terror and panic. Pretty good acting for a B movie.