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278 Views7 Favorites19 Mar 2023


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


07 Apr 2023
@AddictedToFeet they also tickle when they walk on your dick, kinda the same idea as with maggots.
and for the rest I had no problems until a week later there were small bumps that itched that lasted for 3 days
which can be annoying but also horny because you constantly feel your cock tickling
but it turns out that not everyone suffers from that


29 Mar 2023
@Boeba That already sounds amazing!:O can you feel them walking around too or is their needle the only thing you can feel? These needles are more like a tickling, so they won’t hurt me, right? And yeah, I think these bumps may be a bit annoying but it’s quite natural when it gets pierced by tiny little needles, because the soft skin on the tip is very sensitive.


29 Mar 2023
@AddictedToFeet it's very exciting
especially when they stab you and suck your juices out of you the needle feels like something tickling inside your penis very horny .
especially if there are superiors you empty south with their needle
the only drawback for me is that after a week I have some bumps that itch


26 Mar 2023
Judging by the way your cock is slightly pulsing and seems to be rock hard, these must be an intense feeling :D how do they feel?


26 Mar 2023
What bug is this?