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Leech In

10,173 Views24 Favorites09 Aug 2020


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


12 Nov 2021
This leech is not a blood-sucking species.
At this time, I was unlucky and my urethra was injured and bleeding.


12 Nov 2021
Why did it seem like the leech really wanted inside after you started to bleed?? I know it's a leech, leeches feed off of blood, but it looked like it really wanted in your urethra when you started bleeding 😳


13 Sep 2020
Bleeding may occur if the urethra is bitten.
It doesn't hurt in my case, and it doesn't go exaggerated.


03 Sep 2020
How did you bleed so much this time? Does it hurt?


09 Aug 2020
Hope your urethra is ok - that was a lot of blood!