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Amateur teen getting off in the shower

25,046 Views358 Favorites11 Nov 2018


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


26 Sep 2023


24 Sep 2023
This is hot


01 Sep 2023
This girl made videos on pornhub for a while, i remember this video. She stopped and deleted her accounted after getting a boyfriend who didnt like her doing porn, rightfully so. Prettykittymiaos was her username i believe


17 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 phew, temporarily safe!


17 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ "Now show me what a good girl you are and clean my feet".
I pull the panties out of your mouth and put my feet in front of your face.


17 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ With a slight smile on my lips I let my hand fall on your ass cheeks multiple times more. Sometimes on the same cheek twice in a row, sometimes alternating, sometimes fast, sometimes with a little delay so you never know where you get hit next. As your skin turns a brighter red I stop and really squeeze your butt to rub the pain in.
I get up and walk in front of you, I grab you by the hair and lift your face up.


17 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 Just not in my hair!


17 Nov 2018
@tng4clit2017 Or maybe the dirtiest way to get clean!


16 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 Come at me then :p


16 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 Of course you do. Think you can handle me? ;)


16 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 Additionally almost everyone I've been with (including myself) fantasises about taking a lot more punishment than they really can and/or want to in a real life situation so that's useful to keep in mind too. Either because it's in text where you might then be more inclined to exaggerate, or because it's in person where you could actually cause real damage to a person so you'd lean more on the safe side and let them guide you to the ideal amount of force to use.


16 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 I mean, you could, but it's really a learn-by-doing thing. You can read around the net for advice and such but you pretty much have to actually do it to really learn, and a large part of it essentially gets relearned every time you're with a new partner because everyone reacts so differently. When it comes to the physical aspects of it you need to start on the low end and work your way up to a good spot because starting too hard can be really bad.


16 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ With you now in a face-down-ass-up position I grope your ass roughly and give it a hard slap.


16 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ As I move in front of you from your left I place my right hand on your left shoulder and move it across the shoulder, over your clavicle, past your throat and to your other shoulder, gently scratching with two nails as I move across. Circling back behind you, my hand moving to the back of your neck where I suddenly stop and push your head down to the ground. I pull your hands back below you and between your legs and tie each wrist to your respective ankle.


15 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ I look back at you with a stern face and place my hands on your shoulders.
"Do you really think you've earned looking me in the eyes?"
I push you down on your knees and make you look at the floor as I start slowing walking around you.


15 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 Everyone starts somewhere. Honestly I'm really more of a submissive but I like playing the other side from time to time too, at least with women. I'm so small I usually just feel dumb trying to be the domme with a man. Haha.


15 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 It's good to remind people about it every once in a while!


15 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ Good girl. Now put my panties in your mouth so you won't be too loud.


14 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ All the days? Definitely all the days.

Me and @Plainsman41 will use what we want and you'll like it >:D


13 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ Just tell me when ;)


13 Nov 2018
@Sissters We'll just have to enjoy it while it lasts *grin*


13 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 If you're looking for inspiration maybe this is useful to you:


13 Nov 2018
She's gonna shatter that glass one of these days. lol


13 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 or a good paddlin'


13 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 Never know where limits are unless you try!


12 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ Excellent. I will bring myself and a smile.


12 Nov 2018
@Plainsman41 Looks like a great idea to me! *grin*


12 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ I am of the opinion that it's always more fun to do things with someone, so please go ahead *giggle*


12 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ This would provide a more striking image for the people watching the dildo stretch out my pussy though ;)


12 Nov 2018
@cherrylips_ Yeeeah, I'm pretty sure if I did that in my shower it would break *grin*