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Fingering a dirty mommy

248 Views1 Favorites29 Jun 2019


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09 Mar 2021
@ToxicCandy catching them with a hail of butt plugs, I ended the lives of those two evil doers, stopping them from harming the woman who's bald pussy and plugged, contracting ass I loved so much... Epic right? Action, comedy, romance, nudity and fucking. What more could you want? Hell, we could go bigger and badder after 30 years of marriage when we renew our vows... But then again, chatting on here is so much easier. I'm not sure I want to expend all that effort.


09 Mar 2021
@ToxicCandy with anal toy ammo... Out of the corner of my eye, I see the flower girl and the ring bearer creeping up on our right flank, trying to outmaneuver and counterattack. It doesn't surprise me... Those little bastards had already tried to tank our wedding... Acting shy and embarrassed, dropping the ring, breaking down crying because she's "scared". This is there last chance to take us out. But I was a little to quick for those preschool terrorists.


09 Mar 2021
@ToxicCandy the guests raise their clenched fists. So damn eager to pelt us with uncooked rice... Belittling and humiliating us under the guise of joyfully celebration. And just as the mob begins its assault, you and I attack. We rip our dress and tux off to reveal tactical vests, stuffed to the brim with deadly rubber plugs. We've trained for this day since the first time we fucked. Our aim is spot on and hundreds of those rice throwing mother fuckers go down as we bombard them


09 Mar 2021
@ToxicCandy damnit woman... Ok, so I might have stretched the truth a bit... Fuck it, I'll come clean. It was all a lie. But I swear I did with good intentions! I figured that if we got married, not only would we have the most amazingly hot, intense, and fucked up sex life, I was also looking forward to our wedding day. Picture this. I just kissed you, the ceremony is over, as we're walking out the chapel doors to begin our honeymoon...


07 Mar 2021
@ToxicCandy about you. I know, it's a little presumptuous. But she was so excited! You should expect a call from her any day now. She's already started planning our wedding... Holy hell, I just wrote a fucking novel to respond to your 6 word comment lol... God I need to sleep.


07 Mar 2021
@ToxicCandy our lives! Hell, I'll make sure everyone gets butt plugs... Our kids, parents, grandparents, neighbors... Even our priest will always have a plethora of butt plugs! All you gotta do is say yes... How's that for stress? The fate of so many asses... With or without plugs... All on your shoulders. Go ahead and sleep on it. Oh yeah, by the way, I might have exaggerated a bit on my mother's well being. She's not really dead, but she did have a nasty cold... I've already told her


07 Mar 2021
@ToxicCandy well then tell me how you feel about this.... We should elope... My mother told me that I'd meet a girl like you some day... Specifically, a girl that would love to tighten her ass on her plug when she would have an orgasm.... And that when I met that girl, I needed to put a ring on her finger and a plug in her ass. She only wanted what's best for her oldest boy, god rest her soul... So what do you think? I promise I'll shower you in butt plugs! Everyday, for the rest of o


06 Mar 2021
@ToxicCandy mmm... Woman, you know the way straight to my heart lol! So fucking hot!!! I love it!


04 Mar 2021
@ToxicCandy she would agree with you lol... For me, it's one of the hottest things to see... When a woman is in this position and wearing a plug, and I finger her to an orgasm... Watching her pussy and ass contract as she cums... Fucking love it!