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1,180 Views24 Favorites11 Apr 2021


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


18 Dec 2021
@IOnTop wow you are like a walking parody of yourself. you mask your complete ignorance of how the body actually works with a bunch of pseudointellectual technobabble to justify your weird death fetish. you don't suffocate, your blood vessels burst. note how I said that in four words. but whatever that doesn't matter because this is all fantasy. the problem is your entitled aggrandizing attitude. you have the nerve the gall the AUDACITY to nitpick the realism of a 3D CG video uploaded


10 Jun 2021
Nice one .. but I'm missing the usual ribcage contractions when someone is suffocating to death. Kicking legs is BTW unusual. Midriff or forced thoracic diaphragm convulsions and rapid contractions however are inevitable.