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Face slapping

4,167 Views55 Favorites19 Mar 2020


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


17 May 2021
What’s her name?


21 Jan 2021
Miss the first part of this video. Can't find it anywhere


08 Sep 2020
@domundsub23 can I at least get her name so I can try to find her


08 Sep 2020
@domundsub23 Well, please share the links you know of ;)


08 Sep 2020
@Mastertom95 I cant really help you with that, sorry. They are uploaded on almost every site and have pretty random titles.


08 Sep 2020
@domundsub23 I've seen a few of her vids before any ideas where I could find the rest


24 Mar 2020
@Anfiorillo Well, her tumblr was great and there are approximately 15 vids of her around.
I dont want to be a bummer since life is already so freaking weird and depressing at the moment but I googled her recently (I know her real name because we talked a bit on tumblr) and it seems that she is missing for quite a while now. She had a few psychological problems in the past and maybe she couldnt handle her inner demons anymore. Maybe she is in a better place now thats all we could hope


21 Mar 2020
Oh Penny...