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REAL twin brother and sister (Claim)

97,914 Views301 Favorites06 May 2021


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


22 Feb 2024
dude , if you have any insight at all and maybe some understanding of basic genetics you can clearly see they're almost assuredly closely related...I can tell from musculature, skeletal appearance, several facial features, especially eyes, mouth, and brow. Plus skin tone and mannerisms


09 Jan 2024
If she were my sister wouldn't matter twin or not. I would be eating her ass and pussy daily and keeping her so full of dick that no other guy would ever get her attention


07 Nov 2023
I hope this is real, they need to start bring some sort of proof when ever making such claims. We need to know this is real. It adds to the fucking heat of wrongness. 🥵


11 Dec 2022
They are not even related let alone twins...Latino's look alike....everyone thinks me and my wife are related, especially when we were young......


21 Mar 2022
It's called "Fraternal twins"


03 Oct 2018
@hotgirlover007 Actually, Dustycat is correct... & you are too... well, kind of, anyway. They can be twin brother & sister, just not identical twins, since identical twins means they are Genetically 100% identical, including having the same gender (obviously).


03 Oct 2018
@hotgirlover007 Actually, Dustycat is correct... & you are too... well, kind of, anyway. They can be twin brother & sister, just not identical twins, since identical twins means they are Genetically 100% identical, including having the same gender (obviously).


14 Apr 2018
you can be a twin sister and brother, as well as same gender dustycat


02 Apr 2018
they can't be identical if they are different genders.