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Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


04 Sep 2023
There is a display that handles vertically-halved bodies, but it's a separate item I'd need to buy, esentially half the avitar (standing in the wall) and prop body and gore. made it.


04 Sep 2023
@DolcettBlue Oh! Too bad, I bet you wanted to see your insides, all your bits and others. Maybe they can work a patch for you?


04 Sep 2023
@DarkMatter997 Blue appears in pandemonium when she dies with a new body, then she can portal back. Some victims are repeat meat as well, the Lady can regenerate them from a small part within 24 hours.


04 Sep 2023
Yeah, animations aren't able to split the body and I only got the split down the middle wound texture after recording this.


04 Sep 2023
@DolcettBlue didn't work so well, you're kind of still in one piece, aren't you? You should be in two, shouldn't you be?


16 Aug 2023
Got a new saw installed and had to try it out.