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30 Mar 2024
@Morbid2k I agree


30 Mar 2024
@MaddyTGstr amazing


13 Jan 2022
Wow, this one is even hotter. We get to see your entire body and can hear your lovely voice as you struggle. Pity that it’s not longer, but I understand that you can only do for so long before having to breathe. But on the other hand, you would go out leaving such a sexy corpse, haha.


10 Nov 2021
@MaddyTGstr @MaddyTGstr Realistic reactions are maybe less visualy stunning than overacted play, this is something movies teach us, the way to play with camera has to be different from reality to make it look more realistic actually :p


10 Nov 2021
@MaddyTGstr It make me think about a video concept where a pantyhose lover is doing live stream for his follower, and he is pushed too far by people in the chat.. gradually adding level of danger till he accidentally push the things too far... i imagine the chat box reactions where people simply enjoy the show instead of helping the pantyhose lover.. taking bet about "will he cum before dying or not" .


09 Nov 2021
@odinooot In a lot of these fantasies, I pretend a internet friend, or lover is there off camera. They are recording this, and enjoying me. They are supposed to release me when I take it too far, only they sit there, and enjoy my final moments. My panic becomes elevated when I realized I am doomed.


09 Nov 2021
@odinooot I have. During some of these sessions I make my legs twitch and spasm for many seconds. It is quite risky since I am already out of air for a bit. In some I ejaculate as I "pass", but I havent quite worked up to bladder release. I do need to work more on my acting. I am really suffocating, or being strangled, so there is some natural, but I am also trying to get reactions like those I enjoy in films.


08 Nov 2021
@MaddyTGstr this is brilliant, that perfectly underline the thrill of these autoerotic games.... with the frigthening arousal of pushing things too far and being found like that. Do you ever played like you actually died from it? that would be quite a show :)


07 Nov 2021
@odinooot Thank you. I do play quite safe, despite appearances. My wrists are able to be twisted one way to loosen the tights, and one way to tighten them. There have been a few times I panic and go the wrong way, and it makes my struggles that much more erotic.


06 Nov 2021
Wow, this is priceless, thank you for sharing :)


04 Nov 2021
I found an drive that had a bunch of my old videos from many years ago. I figure some of the short clips would be enjoyed on here. So many of you have gasped for my enjoyment. It is time I returned the favor.