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9,467 Views110 Favorites17 Jun 2023


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


6d ago
Oh, that was sexy! But I sure hope she had someone there as a safety, just in case.


10 Aug 2023
I know it's hot - and it looks safe and easy enough, right? But it is realy NOT! Even by standing up, the fluktuating blood pressure in the brain can make you pass out fast and you loose control. You get never a chance to try anything else again (and some days later the neighbors start to complain about the smell).
I know it's hard to find a good partner for these kind of exploration, but please don't play alone!


23 Jul 2023
It’s nice to see others who do the same thing I do! Love the feeling!


02 Jul 2023
I wish she had used a better camera.


21 Jun 2023
crazy woman
good she's alive