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2,222 Views48 Favorites19 Nov 2023


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


05 Jan 2024
@Dana28 Mit den gefesselten Händen würdest du dich bestimmt selbst auch sehr wohl fühlen. Zu schade, dass der Kerl nicht die Tüte neben dem Mädchen zur Hilfe genommen hat. Würde dir bstimmt auch gut tun? :P


21 Nov 2023
This was the first snuff porn movie that i had watched in my life. I was pretty young at this time. But it had changed me forever... I was so exited how he slowly strangled her. Taking someones life by using your force... And then he could do anything with her body. And he fucked her like she was some kind of doll.... That's how you do it.... Take them using your force and power, then you can do whatever you want with their bodies... they won't resist anymore....won't say "no"...