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6,381 Views38 Favorites28 Mar 2021


Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


03 Apr 2022
@whocaresanway10 Yes messenger


03 Apr 2022
Alan Band


03 Apr 2022
Yes messenger


03 Apr 2022
did you see my video sucking mine please for more tips i wanna let her loose on my dick


03 Apr 2022
@Al102 Sometimes they do hold on and don't always pee out the first time. Sometimes it takes 2 or 3 pee sessions for it to unlatch and come out


03 Apr 2022
whether they go all the way into the bladder and when they come out they do not stick to where they are and what needs to be done to get them out


10 May 2021
@marrump Yes, sometimes they get close to the prostate when they bite. It's a wild feeling, but haven't had one yet hit the right spot. they will do short feedings within the 30 days. just not bloodthirsty I guess.


10 May 2021
I guess in my leech fantasy, he goes deep, bites , feeds inside pulsing and moving then finally releasing and i cum when he is headed out (not in deeper!) I have zero experience, but biting in the prostate must be .... hot!

you feed every 30 days... how many? and where do you let them attach to feed?


10 May 2021
@marrump @marrump he did bite down deep near the bladder. The longer they attach the more you bleed, that why you want to keep them moving, in or out. They stay in one place too long, they will will try to bite and attach. I heal pretty quick. Usually stop bleeding after a few minutes. They are good to go inside sometimes twice a sitting, but usually for me, the next day. They usually feed every 30 days, but will bite if they are inside for too long.


10 May 2021
@marrump You pretty much have the details. I get my leeches from Some prefer the horse leech as they don't bite, but harder to find.


10 May 2021
i really appreciate when you describe what you are doing and feeling, where he is, the sensations. in this video, there is some blood, I assume he attached at some point in the video? what does it feel like. where did he bite.? in the end you peed him out. was he in the bladder? was this a good experience? how long to heal before do again? the leech did not get time to feed. can you use him again in a couple days? how do you normally feed them? how often. sorry lots of questions! thanks


10 May 2021
Wow , I want to try it. Is there a "how to " for leech dummies? ?? I read a lot of comments and links. but I think you guys are blazing new ground and have a lot of wisdom to offer. I haven't found much except where to buy, don't use lube. be careful or they go in the bladder. bladder is ok (maybe) if they piss out quick and don't bite in there..... I need a handbook or a mentor.


05 May 2021
@marrump Yes, it is. He will go all the way into my bladder and have to pee him out. Once they get a certain size, yes, I'm afraid they may not come out. I haven't posted a vid in a while because I don't have anything smaller right now. The ones I have are getting too big for me to try.


05 May 2021
Wow? Is that the blood sucking variety of leech? How deep does it go? Is the blood from him feeding or his irritating and scoring the urethra ? It looks like it took effort to get him out. Ever worry? Is there a how to for leech dummies?


15 Apr 2021
@IMKOXX Yes, they sometimes latch close to it as well


15 Apr 2021
I'm fascinated lol 😯🧐


31 Mar 2021
@IMKOXX I am down to 3.