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Thank you for the comment! It will be posted soon.


24 Jun 2023
@JohannaX Of course


24 Jun 2023
@Spectreworld Prospect = victim?


15 Jun 2023
@JohannaX Read your profile. I like people like you. My preferred .... prospects lol.


05 Feb 2023
@StudHardcore There's a logner clip with another victim here; . It shows more of the stalking of the victim and a bit of the electro torture as well (and the killing). I've written under it some of my reasons why I find it such a hot fantasy for me to imagine myself as a victim in the same situation).


11 May 2021
@Sado_57 This scene has similar things I like which I mentioned on the Taser Interrogation/Torture vid ( The darkly lit room, waking up to find myself strapped down and helpless, more than one man present. But also the extra step of being stripped down to my underwear which shows that the torture-killer has turned me into a sexual object to increase his enjoyment of my suffering (which only increases my own feelings of terror, disgust and helplessness).


25 Apr 2021
This was a very hot scene fuck I remember seeing this one. She is so damn sexy!


21 Apr 2021
Thank you.


21 Apr 2021
@Elephantenok The build up is still very hot; getting grabbed and knocked out like that then waking up stripped to your underwear and strapped down ready for electro torture (there is another victim later in the episode but I need to edit the bits with her together before i can upload it).


21 Apr 2021
Without electricity, it's not so interesting.


20 Apr 2021
This is from my favorite episode of Criminal minds; it's about an elderly serial killer with who's losing his memory and (with the help of his son) keeps recreating his final kill. What makes it so red hot is he's torture-killer who uses electro-shock torture on his victims and after a few hours of making them scream in agony he forces them to record a message for their family saying that they enjoyed it (then he stabs the victim to death).